Cabin & Cockpit

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Aircraft Cabin and Aircraft Cockpit

We design, develop and construct aircraft cabins and cockpits according to the vision and wishes of our clients. Based on concept studies, we create prototypes and mock-ups to ensure the integration of the individual components into the cabin or cockpit.

The design of aircraft cabins and cockpits can be for new aircraft that are under development or for the refurbishment and replacement of equipment on older aircraft. Especially on older aircraft, the cabin equipment often shows heavy wear, staining and dirt due to the high level of use in daily flight operations. New cabin layouts or reconfigurations can be taken into account during the modernization and upgrade.

COMAC/UAC - CRAIC CR929 Long-haul Aircraft

CRAIC [China-Russia Commercial Aircraft International Corporation] presented the long-haul aircraft CR929 to the public with a full-size mock-up at the China Air Show in Zhuhai in November 2018. BAIDEG designed and delivered the aircraft mock-up in a processing time of just eleven months, including the entire fully functionally working cabin and the fully functionally working cockpit. The company "müller|romca industrial design" was a strong development partner.

Key elements were the entrance area, the doors, the side wall panels, the electrically dimmable cabin windows and the electrically driven, lowerable luggage compartments, which can be remotely controlled both individually and centrally by the cabin management system (CMS or FAP [Flight Attendant Panel]). The cabin ceiling, which serves as a projection surface and with up to 24 projectors leaves nothing to be desired in terms of projected images and videos, e.g. starry sky, twilight, northern lights (Aurora polaris) can be coordinated with the cabin's mood light system.

Our specialists also supplied fully functionally working seats for all three classes with a very attractive design, a galley, a lavatory and a bar in the entrance area where passengers can be offered refreshments. The cabin was equipped with a modern in-flight entertainment system, which also allows the use of personal mobile phones or notepads connected to the IFE as well as the arrangement of video conferences with friends traveling together with you.

BAIDEG also designed and supplied the entire cockpit with the support of Cockpitsonic GmbH. The systems are fully functionally working and with little effort the cockpit of the CR929 can be expanded into a stationary simulator.

The structure of the full-scale mock-up was designed and produced in cooperation with the company Robert Hofmann GmbH. The mock-up can be stowed and packed into 140 boxes and metal racks to allow for transportation by air with a few Boeing B747 cargo aircrafts.

AVIC - MA700 Turboprop Aircraft

AVIC presented the MA700 propeller aircraft to the public with a full-size mock-up at the China Air Show in Zhuhai in November 2014. BAIDEG designed and delivered the aircraft mock-up in a processing time of only thirteen months, including the entire fully functionally working cabin and the fully functionally working cockpit. The design and development work was supported by the company "müller|romca industrial design".

Key elements were the entrance and exit areas, the large luggage compartments designed to accommodate standard hand luggage, the cabin ceiling with the installation of mood lighting, a galley and a lavatory.

In addition, functional seats for business and economy class with a very attractive design were delivered. The cabin was equipped with a modern entertainment system (IFE).

BAIDEG also designed and supplied the entire cockpit. The systems are fully functionally working and with little effort the MA700 cockpit can be expanded into a stationary simulator.

AVIC also wanted the front and rear cargo compartments to be manufactured according to the original layout with appropriate cargo securing systems.

Air Macao A319/A320 Cabin Re-Configuration 

Air Macao had modernized its Airbus A319 and A320 fleet. The worn-out cabins were renewed and the business class was increased to 16 seats each. At the beginning, many concepts and designs were viewed with the customer. The final design, which was created in collaboration with the company "müller|romca industrial design", can be seen in the following pictures.

A completely new fabric was developed and manufactured for the economy class seats. The partitions also received a custom print of the silhouette of the city of Macao. The comparison of the "old" and "new" images shows the result of the impressive work after the reconfiguration and installation of the modernized aircraft cabin. The side wall panels, the ceiling panels, the storage compartments, the business and economy class seats, the partitions with a new design, the carpet, the floor guide line, etc. were reworked or replaced.

The very extensive preparation works made it possible to complete the work during a 24-day layover. The certification of the renewals, repairs and overhauls was carried out in accordance with the EASA Part 145 regulations.

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